The Peak Open Championship

from the short track

From March 27 to March 28, Bialystok, Republic of Poland, hosted Ukrainian Short Track Championship among juniors and juniors, boys and girls, adults.

More than took part 60 Shortstrikersfrom the traditional regions of Ukraine in this sport: Kiev, Kharkiv and Sumy region.

The team fought for the awards of the All-Ukrainian championship on Polish ice KDYUSSH “Vershyna” (Kyiv) under the guidance of the coaching staff Sofia Vlasova and Lesia Kostromitina.

As a result, the Vershinovs became the owners eight awards— four gold, silver and three bronze.

  • Two thirdsplaces at distances of 1500 m and 1000 m among girls took Oleksandra Kryvosheia.
  • Also bronzewon among the guys at 500 m Alexander Kursenko.

In the women's relay — gold and silver:

  • First placea team consisting of Oleksandra Kryvoshei and Marina Akhramchuk took part, who were helped to reach the highest step of the pedestal of the honor of Kharkiv women.
  • The team consisting of Maria Hochelko, Milana Bilash, Margarita Gorova, Maria Grishko sat second place.

Separately note three golds in Class A Maria Hochelko- championship titles in the 500 meters, in the distance of 1000 meters (where she also made the “swoop”) and in the longest distance of 1500 m.

In an exclusive comment to the Vershina press service about the ice battles of the country's championship, the coach of the team told Lesya Kostromitina.

- Please comment on the performance of your wards.

- The result could have been better. But these are children born in 2011, and when performing at such a level of competition, they were literally overcome by fear. The curve fell, Kursenko made false starts. In the meantime, the children performed well. In the relay for the first place we were helped by Kharkiv citizens. The Kiwis managed to take silver in the same relay on their own.

- In addition to children, adult skaters also participated...

- The performances of adult shorts, whichare constantly training on Polish ice, were most pleasantly impressed. Incredible speed, high class training, and the most spectacular anthropometry of boys and girls is impressive. And it is not surprising why they confidently perform with dignity in the European and world arenas.

- Why is the Ukrainian championship in Poland?

- It is here that Ukrainian skaters train and compete, mainly born in 2004. At one time they left the war with the Russian occupier to Poland in order to be able to continue their careers and actually save their lives. We must pay tribute to the Polish side - our athletes have the opportunity to live, eat and train here for free. I will also note the excellent quality of the ice coating on the Bialystok rink, which allows you to safely develop high speeds and hone skating skills. In Ukraine there is no way to train like this - in Kiev there are problems with such ice, Sumy and Kharkov are under constant air strikes by the Russians...

Note that the experiences of our coach these days concerned not only sports events in Poland, but also reverent attention was attached to Kremenchug. After all, it was there that the final series of the Ukrainian hockey championship lasted, where the son Vladimir Kostromitin played for the Kiev “Falcon”. And the experiences did not concern the game itself - it was during these days that the enemy mercilessly “burned” the city with air raids, matches were suspended, hockey players were lowered into shelters. But everything worked out — young Kostromitin brought the trophy to the capital.

We thank the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the opportunity for our athletes to do their favorite thing, train, compete and glorify the state in sports arenas! Glory to Ukraine!